About the business
Pocketsize is a young start-up that manufactures tiny 3D-sculptures of people. A laser does a 360° scan of the motiv and proceeds the data to a 3D-printer that produces the final tangible result.
Still, it’s a creative process: Every piece is a unique original with much love to detail and high personal value.
Brand Idea
I wanted to create an identity that is as diverse as the respective target audiences but still has a distinctive character because the product itself is all about personality. „Everybody’s an original. Lets create yours.“ This is what the overall brand idea is derived from. The brand experience translates this idea into a lively celebration of creative moments. It is rather loud than quiet. Rather non-conform than conservative.
Brand Experience
The brand appearance is heavily driven by a playful colour range, a distinctive, quirky typeface and easy to understand straightforward messaging.
The logo illustrates a pocketsized human character and therefore is an easy to grasp representation of the central business idea and name of the brand.
The color range features crisp hues that feel playful and dynamic.
The idea of the image style is derived from showing the actual moment of posing in the studio and portrays their clients. The clean studio atmosphere with huge amount of white space also creates a calm balance to the overall very colourful brand appearance.
The typeface has a playful, bold character. It offers versatile glyph alternatives, making every message an original.
Next project
Jonas Husemann
Strategic Brand Experiences
Jonas Husemann
Strategic Brand Experiences
+49 176 24 616 232
+49 176 24 616 232
+49 176 24 616 232 info@jonashusemann.de
+49 176 24 616 232
+49 176 24 616 232
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