Das Weltauto —
Creating an easy-to-adapt, recognizable imagery system

Das Weltauto —
Creating an easy-to-adapt, recognizable imagery system

Das Weltauto —
Creating an easy-to-adapt, recognizable imagery system

Das Weltauto —
Creating an easy-to-adapt, recognizable imagery system

Das Weltauto —
Creating an easy-to-adapt, recognizable imagery system

About the business
Das WeltAuto (DWA) is the used vehicle program of the Volkswagen group, bundling different car brands such as VW, Seat, Škoda and VW Nutzfahrzeuge.

With the goal of creating a coherent brand experience across different international markets, as well as strengthening recognition on the booming used vehicle market, MetaDesign did a 360° rebranding of DWA.
As being part of the brand design team, my responsibility was to create an imagery system, that is internationally easy applicable and creates a strong brand recognition.

Brand design
Imagery system
Brand guide


Mathias Rolfes
Robert Lumer
Tom Schwaiger

The image system of DWA had to be modular, flexible and at the same time highly recognizable.
We built an easy-to-adapt system, that depends solely on free or corporate material of the umbrella brand. We differentiate between four image clusters: 
1. Hero collages for advertising
2. Product images for advertising or content-areas
3. Storytelling images for content-areas
4. Product dealer images for the actual offers on the digital platform
The different clusters are held together by common style elements such as color, perspectives and the interplay with our key design element, the Moving Dot.

Portfolio Modul 82
Portfolio Modul 5
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Portfolio Modul 3
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Jonas Husemann
Strategic Brand Experiences 

Jonas Husemann
Strategic Brand Experiences 



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Feel free to drop me a line or give me a call. Thanks for stopping by.

Feel free to drop me a line or give me a call. Thanks for stopping by.

Feel free to drop me a line or give me a call. Thanks for stopping by.


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